Kevin Taylor, an Islamic Extremist from Columbia South Carolina, has recently uploaded pictures of himself threatening to kill white people. Other pictures have surfaced of him holding a gun talking about hunting “Clansmen” while the next picture suggests Kevin Taylor thinks that anyone who has a confederate flag is a clansmen. Kevin Taylor is armed and dangerous, and definitely fits the description of an Islamic Extremist. ‘
It should be no surprise that this Radical Islamist is associated with Nocturnus Libertus
This radical Extremist likes and follows Nocturnus Libertus on facebook. He also takes pictures of himself holding guns before going to protests. He considers anyone who holds a confederate flag as a “Clansmen” and has threatened to open fire on them via facebook.
This is fake.
Thanks for coming on the post and commenting Kevin, your facebook profile says you’re from Columbia south caroling, this is a grayed out geoip on the location of your comment. Wow Columbia South Carolina, I wonder who this commenter could be.
What a dumbass. He even used 803 in his name. (SC area code)
Lol I didn’t even realize that. Watch out, this guy must be one of those l337 hackers.
has he been arrested for the threats?the whole damn world is going ass-backwards,the s0-called black race can do,say anything they want and not a damn thing happens to them,a white person does the same and not only are the labeled a racist,they go to jail.damn f’ing gars!
I’m sure he’s been reported for it, never heard if anything became of it.