The Gateway Pundit is the exact reason why Conservative Journalism is being exterminated across social media.  Recently the Gateway Pundit, often mentioned by Sean Hannity, posted a story about the notorious Form Submission 1649. The story is a text book case of Clickbate Fakenews, something The Gateway Pundit has a stellar reputation for.
Sean Hannity Tweeted “Form Submission 1649 #Hannity” just minutes before his account mysteriously disappeared from Twitter. Form Submission 1649 refers to the ID of Hannity’s contact form on his website.  The Gateway Pundit knew their readers wouldn’t be able to verify this, so they tell them that form 1649 is a death threat against Sean Hannity.
Telling the Truth Gets you Banned
Twitter would eventually confirm that Hannity’s account was hacked. Surely The Gateway Pundit would update their story and tell the truth to their readers since truth should always be more important than profit right? Wrong, not only did the Gateway Pundit refuse to tell the truth, but they also banned anyone who spoke it.
Not the first, second, third, or fourth Time...
According to the slightly biased Wikipedia, The Gateway Pundit has spewed fake news for profit for years:
- The Gateway Pundit has promoted false rumors about voter fraud and Hillary Clinton’s health.
- In October 2017, The Gateway Pundit published an article falsely implicating an innocent person as the shooter in the 2017 Las Vegas shooting. The article was promoted by Google as a “top story” for searches for his name.
- Gateway Pundit asserted that New York Times reporter Rukmini Callimachi had reported that ISIS may have evidence that it was behind the shooting, but Callimachi rejected that she had ever made such an assertion.
- In December 2017, Gateway Pundit published a reddit post as evidence that Democratic activists were committing voter fraud in the 2017 Alabama Senate special election. The redditor behind the post later said that the post was intended “as an obvious troll.” When asked by the Washington Post, the writer of the Gateway Pundit post declined to say whether he had contacted the redditor to verify the information; later the Gateway Pundit story contained an update at the bottom: “Liberals say these are fake Reddit posts(?) Regardless, the posts are still up on Reddit and the posters are still encouraging Democrats to cheat.”
- Gateway Pundit published other falsehoods during the campaign for the Alabama Senate seat.
- In January 2018, Gateway Pundit published a false story that Chuck Schumer received half a million dollars from pro-immigration groups just before a vote related to the United States federal government shutdown of 2018.
And The Million Dollar Question...
Why would anyone, including Sean Hannity himself, share articles from a hokey rag like the Gateway Pundit which intentionally lies to the public to generate money off ad revenue. Is that what conservatives call journalist in 2018? We call it #fakenews hokey clickbate trash.