Just a day after the major ruling by the Supreme Court on same sex marriages, Facebook has been caught blocking links to articles that discuss the subject.  In the video to the right, we show you indisputable proof, that Facebook has blocked this article from MSN that describes what the same sex rights movement is going to do next.
A Huge Problem With Facebook
Nobody will ever know the truth about why this happened.  Being that I’m a facebook app developer, I own a hosting company, and program in multiple online programming languages, I’m going to explain to the public what probably happened.
People went on a mass flagging campaign
This is a huge problem with facebook and other social media sites that people just ignore. This always comes back to bite you in the ass like it has here. People can get groups or friends to flag a post, picture, or external link at the same time to automatically trigger a system in facebook that will start marking links unsafe.
OR Gay is a bad word on facebook.
The other possibility could be that facebook has a system that scans either the url, page or both the page and url for combinations of words to determine if the page is safe or not.  If this is the case, Facebook may of assumed this page was negative because it included words like “Gay” too much.
OR someone at facebook doesn't like same sex rights
I do not believe this is the case, but it is still possible.  If someone that worked for facebook didn’t like same sex rights, they could do something like this and flag the article as unsafe to discourage people from sharing it.
Moral of the Story
We all support a website that can afford to buy Whatsapp for 16 billion, but cannot afford to employ a small staff of people to review reports on facebook to make sure they get it right each and every time. People should be going after Facebook about this and demanding they start hiring more people to make sure they get it right, as there are always thousands of complaints about facebook censoring content based on religion, political opinion, and now sexual preference.
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