According to the website, the #blacklivesmatter movement started back in 2012 after the Trayvon Martin incident. I remember that incident quite well, the nation was very divided. Some argued that Zimmerman had no right to shoot while others argued Zimmerman had the right to defend himself. While that went on, the US Media more than likely made millions off his death. Regardless of this, your movement factually changed more peoples opinions in your favor through that process, debate, than anything else done since.
It comes down to the fact that peaceful protesting and demonstrations accomplish far more than violence and crime.  Your movement is trying to tell the public that Black Lives Matter.  You’ll have a hard time accomplishing that mission when you have people rallying behind your banner acting like the Westboro Baptist Church. That’s why when we talk about civil rights we talk more about Martin Luther King Jr. than we do “The North” in the civil war who sacrificed far more for this movement. You can accomplish far more good without lighting a match or casting a stone than you can with violence.
#blacklivesmatter being hijacked by Racial Extremists
I refuse to judge an entire movement based on the actions of a few, but there are a lot of people that aren’t that way.  If you don’t distance yourself from these people, your movement is going to have a difficult time convincing anyone.
They Hate Muslims
Their Lives Don’t Matter
Neither do White People
Promoting Nonsense like this in your name
Lets Attack Children
I'm going to go out on a limb and say a majority of the #blacklivesmatter movement doesn't believe in this
When you get a lot of people behind your movement like Sierra McGrone, it starts generating as much racism as it solves, damning the entire movement into an eternal state of “counter productivity”.   If you sit idle when you see hatred and extremism forming within your movement, horrible things can happen, some of the most evil people in history rise to power when people were silent when they should of spoke.
Why not distance yourself from this?
I personally feel that the #blacklivesmatter movement should set a set of guidelines on their website for what they do and do not support.  A list of beliefs and ideals they are promoting as well as a list of activities and ideals they don’t support.  This is a necessary line you have to set in order to keep extremism out.
If you continue to allow extremists commit all sorts of atrocious acts online and in person while using the same hashtag #blacklivesmatter, your movement is not going to move that far forward.  These people are committing such extreme acts that it is actually encouraging racism.  If your mission is to protest racism, you should consider this, and distance yourself from it in any way possible.  You can sometimes win a battle by fighting fire with fire, however racism is not one of them.
More on Sierra McGrone aka Nocturnus Libertus
She Has done the following behind #blacklivesmatter
Terrorized A White Senior Citizen that wanted to donate a kidney to save a #blacklife
This indeed a fact.  Sierra McGrone has terrorized an unidentified White Female (for safety concerns) that at one point in time tried to donate a Kidney to an African American male named Pete Harris.
Committed Hundreds of Cyber Crimes
From impersonating people to incite racism to posting fabricated arrest records online.  Sierra McGrone has stopped at nothing to attack countless people who have tried to expose this, including her own brother.
Incited Belief that all Veterans are involved in the KKK
In order to convince more African Americans to step on the flag, she incited the idea that all US Veterans are involved in the KKK.
Preached Hatred for Muslims and Islam
Another rough fact, there are two pictures showing this above.  I’m sure now that the “cats out of the hat” she’ll try to delete the rest of them off her social media pages.
Children Are not Spared
She has even involved children as young as 5 years old in her online harassment campaigns when she disagreed with the mother.
At first I supported the #blacklivesmatter movement, but every since racists like Sierra (Nocturnus) began supporting it, I can no longer see the group as positive advocate for change. As you mention, it is increasing becoming a home for little Hitlers like Eric Sheppard, and freaks who want to prevent the arrest of every black person no matter the crime they commit. These people make the movement look bad. Nocturnus and her supporters should go back to the New Black Panther Party and stop pretending they support something they don’t actually support.